Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Abstract Art

The 6th graders had fun looking at the artwork of Brenda York (check out her website @ We discussed how Brenda York seems to be inspired by fairy tales and nursery rhymes. The students then chose a character to recreate in an abstract style like York does. We talked about oil pastels and different effects that could be achieved with the medium. Students used different watercolor techniques to complete the work. They really enjoyed this project and I loved the results! It was important that the students left the viewers "clues" as to who their character was- see if you can figure them out!

1 comment:

  1. Hello to the amazing 6th Grade artists of Ms. Mensing's class!

    WOW! I am so impressed with the work posted here on the blog. I can see that your teacher taught you how to find inspiration in another artist's work and then to apply it to your own art. Each of the paintings here are visually exciting, colorful and well thought out. Your "clues" make the discovery process even more engaging for your audience. I really want to ponder and think about what each character represents to you, the artist.

    I hope you will all keep exploring and experimenting with your art (but also know that even professional artists, like me, paint a lot of duds before we make a painting that we are really proud of!) It takes a ton of practice so get out those sketchbooks and draw something every day!

    Keep painting--the world needs more artists!

    Brenda York
